Transponder keys were an exciting innovation in vehicle security when they were developed in the mid-1990s and are still a feature of many vehicles on the road today. Transponder keys represent an ideal blend of anti-theft security and convenience for vehicle owners. However, as these systems see more wear and tear, they are more likely to need attention from a professional. You don’t have to turn to the dealership in most cases when you need transponder key services. Instead, you can rely on the services of a local locksmith team in Alpharetta when you need your transponder key problems diagnosed and treated.
What Is a Transponder Key?
Simply put, a transponder key is a type of vehicle key that has an electronic microchip embedded in the fob (head). When you insert the transponder key into the ignition, the microchip sends a signal via radio frequency to your car’s ignition system that contains a unique code. Most keys that have transponder chips can be identified by their plastic key fob. This code must match the one sent by the ignition system itself. If the code matches, then the engine’s immobilizer will disengage, allowing the engine to fire up. If the code doesn’t match, this chain of events won’t occur.
Transponder keys are extremely popular to vehicle manufacturers because they not only increase the security of the vehicle in question, but the convenience of accessing and running it, too. In recent years, transponder key technology has been phased out in favor of remote keyless entry technology, but many vehicles on the road still use transponder keys. As these vehicles begin to wear down as the years progress, more locksmiths are seeing an increase in requests for transponder key replacements.
Transponder Key Problems
As with any technological advancement, there are potential issues that can develop, especially the longer you’ve used your transponder key. These problems can range in severity, with the worst preventing you from using your vehicle at all. If you suspect an issue with your transponder key, a licensed professional locksmith can assist you in determining the cause.
Problem: The Chip Gets Damaged
While you may think that your chip is impossible to damage due to its protective plastic housing, accidents can and do occur. If you drop your key from a significant height or accidentally smash your key, your transponder chip can become damaged. If this occurs, your entire transponder key will need to be replaced in most cases and the new key programmed to match your vehicle’s operating code.
Problem: The Transponder Chip Loses Its Programming
The coding for the transponder chip is programmed electronically, and operates using radio frequency. Occasionally, radio wave interference can scramble a transponder chip’s programming. This is more common in busy areas with lots of radio signals being sent and received at the same time. When this occurs, the transponder chip will require being reprogrammed by a professional in order to match the coding of your vehicle. The chip is usually wiped so that there’s a clean slate to work from and then the proper code is reprogrammed onto the chip.
Read more on: Transponder Keys and the Problems That Can Affect Them
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